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Sabreen Sudan-Jolley
She is an Educator, Poet and Author who travels the world to spread the beauty of art, spoken word and visualization.
She was born in Pasadena, California and raised in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Before going to college, her family relocated to Houston, TX.
Sabreen is a graduate of Clark Atlanta University (class of 2018) with a degree in communications. For 3 years of her undergraduate experience, Sabreen took classes in creative writing as well. Upon graduating, Sabreen took a year to travel to various states and countries to perform poetry and develop the grit she needs to make a career of speaking and writing.
She wrote her first book, Same Sky, Different Light, her senior year of college.
One of her many ventures after college include winning first place and the legendary Apollo Theatre Amateur Night in Harlem, NYC and performing at Dis’ Poem Festival in Portland, Jamaica. After spending several years after college cultivating her gift and living in every aspect, she decided to move to NYC fall 2021. She looks to immerse herself in her craft and expand herself as a writer and performer for the next several years in a city that she’s wanted to be in since she was a child.
Her work and community engagements have been featured in various publications including The Pine Bluff Commercial, Voyage Atlanta, WCLK (The local take), The HBCU Times, AJC, Root Work Journal, Pandemic ATL Newspaper and the Jamaica Observer.
She was selected as a residential artist for the Chateau d’Orquevaux French Residency in Orquevaux, France. There she will spend time developing her craft as a writer and editing her next major manuscript in order to push her to further her goal of becoming a full-time bestselling children’s book author, novelist and renowned poet.
Sabreen’s favorite quote is, “your gift is the thing you do the best with the least amount of effort.” She knows that soon, everything she has ever dreamed will one day be at the palms of her hands.